Crystal Maiden Baby Sitting Ursa in a Diaper


Rage Quit

NSFW eighteen+ Only

Contains ABDL/DDLG Content

Dodge. Dodge. Heal. Slash. Special Attack. SHIT!

Melanie punched the armrest of her burrow. "Fuck!" she shouted. Those advertisements weren't kidding. Blood Legends VI: Underworld had simply come out today and supposedly information technology was the hardest game in the series.

Melanie was a cocky-proclaimed pro at Blood Legends, simply she was not a gracious loser. She mostly resorted to playing campaign-driven video games at present since her bad mental attitude when losing had caused nearly of her friends to avoid playing competitive multiplayer her at all costs. She had even been disqualified from local tournaments for poor bear. A grown woman throwing game equipment in rage was frowned upon.

And the new game had proven itself to exist a challenge and so far. Despite her proficiency at the other entries in the serial, Melanie had found herself stuck at the game'southward second dominate for an hour and a half. If she lost to the Necromancer one more time, she would have to render to Nabonidus Castle and farm more healing potions.

The game may have been hard, simply not everything in the advertising had been true. Melanie had heard that supposedly the game would punish poor gameplay past affecting the player's real life. She had scoffed. How would that even exist possible? Too, she had lost to this dominate long enough and the but way her life had been afflicted had been the enormous loss of time.

Melanie walked upward to the Necromancer one time more than.

Slash. Slash. Combo. Dodge. Slash.

"WHAT?!" Melanie screamed, standing up and stomping as the necromancer killed her character with a smash of night magic. "Bullshit! I hit fucking dodge! This game fucking blows!" Melanie threw her controller beyond the room in an absolute tantrum. Though the controller left a scissure in her wall, her outburst didn't stop in that location. She flipped over her coffee table before laying face down on her couch and screeching into her burrow.

"Looks like somebody isn't MATURE enough for this stage," the Necromancer cackled as "GAME OVER" appeared on the screen. "Try again."


Mel sighed and sabbatum back upwardly. Odd, she thought. She hadn't heard that dialogue response so far. No matter, she admit that she may take overreacted. I hateful, how hard could this be? If she actually focused and gave information technology her all, she could beat this. She grabbed her stuffed unicorn Princess from the other finish of the couch and cuddled it for good luck.

Afterwards a brief moment, she went to return to the game before realizing that her controller had landed on the other side of the room where she had thrown it. With Princess in 1 manus and her other hand firmly planting her thumb in her mouth for sucking, Mel toddled over to where the hole in her wall was in her ambrosial unicorn brim and pinkish-and-purple striped fluffy socks.

She grabbed the Fischer-Toll controller from the floor and saturday her butt on the flooring in front of the Idiot box, not having the free energy to jump up onto the burrow itself. Her eyes locked and her pollex removed from her oral fissure, she was ready to tackle the challenge and pressed "Resume" on Necromancer's Math Run a risk.

She only needed five correct answers to defeat the Necromancer's magic with the power of math. "xiii+ix" appeared on the screen. Mel placed her babyish controller on her lap and held up her fingers to count. Wait, she only had ten fingers. Mel frowned. Later a moment of thought, she remembered! She could start with three fingers and pretend information technology'south thirteen.

"1, 2, 3, 4, five, 6, 7, viii, 9!" the grown adult female counted out loud equally she held upwardly an extra finger for each number. She had two fingers up at the end. And so, the answer was... twenty-ii!

"Blast!" the onscreen Necromancer cried. "Your math is too powerful!"

"Yeah!" Mel cheered post-obit what seemed like an incredible victory. Only four more questions.

"iv x seven" followed. Mel let out a high pitched whine. Multiplication?! No fair! She was no good at times tables! She used all the power in her encephalon to focus. twenty, she guessed. Incorrect. 26. Wrong once more. Her last approximate was 32.

"Looks like your math skills weren't good plenty to defeat me," shouted the Necromancer. "Better luck next time!"

"Poopy!" Mel yelled every bit the "GAME OVER" text reappeared. "That'southward no fair! Multiplication's besides hard! No fair! No fair!"

Mel continued to shout equally she kicked her arms and legs against the floor, causing her honey stuffie Princess to accept a beating against the ground. Once her fit ended, she threw Princess at the couch and crossed her artillery letting out an audible "hmph."


Mel was upset. Simply, she started to think something her Daddy had told her: Never surrender. Mel figured she should requite it one final try to show Daddy that she wouldn't human action bratty this time.

Mel crawled on all fours across the room to her toy, her diaper crinkling with every waddle along the way. She reached her shape sorter toy with all the pieces scattered beyond the floor. She slowly sat herself upwards onto her padded bum and placed the wooden cube in betwixt her legs.

She picked upwardly ane of the scattered pieces and held it close to her face, intently focusing on its shapes. "Sqware," she formulated from in between her Care Bears pacifier. She looked back at the box. She had to detect out where the square went.

She looked dorsum down at the box. After examining its various holes, she confidently began to smash the square peg in the triangular pigsty. No, that wasn't correct. She tried again with a star-shaped hole to unfortunately no avail.

Mel's face up burned scarlet. She began to bash the peg into the incorrect hole over and over again despite the lack of positive results. This had to be correct, the woman idea. Information technology had to! Afterward 8 attempts at getting the peg to impossibly fit, Mel threw the box and the peg in rage.

No off-white, Mel idea. Shapes are for preschool and I haven't done preschool yet. Rather than existence able to express her thoughts, Mel responded past sobbing out of her own frustration at the shape sorting puzzle. The kind of sobbing where her cries turned into infantile screaming.


"What'southward incorrect, princess?"

"Daddy!" Mel shouted in glee through the tears. Although the homo that Mel recognized as Daddy was actually the Necromancer, now out of the game and corporeal.

The Necromancer inspected Mel's harm maniacally. "Aww," he cooed. "Did little Mel get frustrated at her shape toy?"

Mel meekly nodded, rubbing the tears for her eyes.

"I think shapes might be likewise much of a challenge for Mel," Daddy said. "Specially if she'due south gonna throw a tantrum. Maybe she should stick to rattles and blocks until she's ready for a big girl challenge like shapes."

Mel nodded again. She had been really frustrated. Peradventure she just wasn't ready for some puzzles if she didn't know how to acquit.

Daddy gave a mocking sniff. "PU!" he teased. "Smells similar somebody made a mess during her trivial tantrum."

Information technology was true. Mel had, without noticing, made a stinky mess in the backseat of her diaper during her fit. Daddy lifted stinky Mel of the flooring with incredible ease.

"Come on," Daddy smiled. "Allow'southward alter her into a fresh 1."

The Necromancer smirked every bit he carried the grown woman to his adult-sized changing table. Not one Claret Legends 6 player had been so bad at the games as to discover themselves at this infantile stage. She could alter things dorsum to normal, of course. If she were able to trounce the challenges that she had struggled so terribly with. He didn't remember those chances were high, especially considering her terrible temperament. Even if she was able to complete the challenges, her meltdowns would continue to set back her progress.

Then, Daddy finished up the gamer girl's starting time diaper change of many. Until Melanie learned to behave like a large girl, she would mess her diapers, drinkable out of bottles, and take bubble baths with her Daddy. The simply challenge to rage about at present was learning how to walk again while waddling in null but her thick diapies.


Another very fun story from the community. I believe this 1 features pics from @princxss-starry, @paddedfordaddy , and RuleBratania (of Reddit). Good stuff!

"Kylie felt the trembles as shortly equally Erica turned downwards her road. Her mother's house wasn't that far away and all the stress that came with thinking about her mother came flooding back. Almost literally. She clenched her thighs together and tried not to think nearly information technology. Every bit if the day wasn't already going to exist difficult plenty trying to live down the shame of her cousin seeing her in pull-ups, or how she had woken upward in the middle of the dark to Erica patting her padded butt, or to how Erica was so accepting and even excited nigh treating Kylie like a footling child. Just at present she would have to bargain with her mother who obviously knew that Kylie had made a petty accident in her pants. She didn't know what her mother would do nigh information technology but the thought of her opening that dreaded package. Kylie shuddered and clenched her thighs tighter. She had to go and didn't know if she was going to make it in time. Her nerves were on edge the closer she got to her house and the pressure level to become was condign unbearable. Erica had barely gotten the motorcar stopped when Kylie flung open up the door and bolted for the business firm. Thankfully, the front end door was unlocked and Kylie was able to burst through it and run to the bathroom as fast every bit she could. She could feel the final bit of reserve strength fading as she peeled her pants downward and slammed her butt on the toilet. Damn, that was close! Too close! I have to exist more careful! "Kylie? Was that you that came crashing through the door?" Lori asked. "Yeah mom, it's me. I had to go actually bad and wanted to brand information technology on time." "And did y'all?" "Mom!" "I'one thousand not going to inquire again, Kylie. I need to know if I take to bring you a fresh pull-upward." "Mom! For crying out loud! Yep! Okay? I made information technology on time, no accidents." "Good girl." Kylie could hear some rustling around and so a thump, followed by the closing of the front door. She paused to collect herself before finishing her business concern and pulling her pants back upward. She was near to affluent the toilet when she heard Erica talking to her mom in a hushed tone. She crept to the door and pressed her ear against information technology to hear more. "Aunt Lori, I empathize that she's been having some issues but practise y'all really think that this is the right fashion to assistance her?" "Erica, I'chiliad at my wit'southward stop. I can't take my 19-yr-old daughter wetting her pants or her bed." "I concord, but practice you honestly recollect that this is the correct way to go nearly helping her?" "Until Monday, when I tin can go her in to the medico, this is the merely selection I take." "Really? Bullying her about her accidents? Threatening to put her back in diapers? These are the but options that y'all accept?" "Exercise you take any better ideas? Do yous want her sleeping in your house and peeing everywhere? Did she tell you of the accidents she had when she was awake? Standing in front of me! Twice! For crying out loud, she needs some aid. But I don't have the time to monitor her every moment to brand sure that she doesn't moisture herself ." "No, but maybe you could testify a footling compassion instead of condescension! She clearly has something going on and needs your support." "Nosotros all have something going on and frankly, I don't have time for this. I accept a formal dinner tonight and I need to get everything set up." "A formal dinner? Is that really what's important correct at present? Kylie needs you!" "Kylie needs to grow up! Life isn't easy and she can't look the world to baby her for the residuum of her life." "That'due south such a poor choice of words! And you are such a hypocrite. You say that you want to help her, that you care. But when she truly needs yous, your reaction is to push button her away and continue her downward. To go on acting like nada is incorrect. It's not right." "What would you know about right? How many children have you raised? Oh, that's right, none! I understand that yous care virtually Kylie and want what'south best for her, but you don't know a single affair nearly raising a child. Nor do you know what information technology'due south like to raise one alone! You have no idea how hard I've worked to get to where I am. How much I've sacrificed! So don't come hither, to my house, preaching to me about how you would parent. And don't think for a second, picayune miss, that I don't remember how hard y'all were to potty train. Took my sis years to get yous to where y'all are and you of a sudden take the audacity to assume that you know amend?" "I-" "Furthermore," Lori interjected. "Not anybody develops the same way at the aforementioned time. Sometimes in that location are hurdles and as much as you lot may disagree with how I'chiliad treatment it, I will handle this hurdle how I run into fit. As her mother, I know what's best for her and right now, this is it. I need Kylie to understand and pay attention to what'southward going on with her body. I need her to know where her limits are and how to recognize them. And I also need to know that if she has an accident, that she's not publicly humiliated by information technology! Now, y'all can either help me and support her with this, or you tin just march yourself out of my firm! Because I volition non fight with y'all or anyone else when information technology comes to what's all-time for Kylie. Am I understood!" Erica was tranquility for a moment and Kylie could almost feel Erica'south eyes on the bathroom door. She didn't want Erica to be sent abroad and not be in that location. She made a hope and Kylie knew that Erica was probably the merely ane that really had her back in all of this. Her mother never made things easy, for anyone, and Kylie knew that Erica had only ane choice. To proceed with information technology or else. "Yes, Lori. I empathize. I will respect your wishes and help you lot with Kylie." "Good. I'm glad to hear information technology." Kylie quickly went back to the toilet to flush it and grabbed a hairbrush to make it await similar she hadn't been eavesdropping. "Ahh, Kylie, I was starting to remember that you had fallen in." Lori's tone had changed completely, back to that simulated voice she always used. "No, Mom, I'm fine." "Good. Erica and I were merely talking virtually your… condition, and she'south offered to assist out in case we need her. Won't that be fun?" "Certain. I estimate. I mean, I tin can accept care of myself." "Aye you tin can, but a picayune extra assist hither or there wouldn't hurt." "I suppose not." "Anyway, we accept appointments at the salon so nosotros all-time be getting at that place. Then information technology'southward off to get our nails done. Do you have everything that you demand?" Kylie did a quick survey of herself and shrugged. "Yeah, I think so." "Are yous certain? We are going to be at that place for quite some fourth dimension." "I'chiliad sure I will exist fine, Mom." "Well, but in case, how about you go take hold of a change or two." "Are you serious?" "Very. I have expensive seat covers that I don't want to have dry cleaned." "Mom! I'k not a little girl that tin't control herself!" "I know that, just it'southward better safe than sorry." "Erica!" Kylie whined, trying to get someone on her side. "Better to accept it and not need information technology than need it and non have information technology." "Simply I don't wanna!" "Kylie! Straighten up this instant! I will not have you lot throwing a atmosphere tantrum! Now march yourself to your room and do as you are told!" Kylie shrunk back at the sound of her female parent's raised phonation. Her body trembled and she felt herself lose command for a moment. With tortured resignation, she turned effectually and went back to her room. On her vanity was the packet of pull-ups and beside it, the unopened packet of diapers. Seeing those was enough for her to sort herself out. Her current pull-up was swelling a little bit. Not enough to exist noticeable, merely at that place was some extra warmth where at that place shouldn't be. She pulled 2 pull-ups out of the handbag and glared at the diapers. No way, no how is that ever going to happen. Only what if I can't get over mom beingness strict with me? Would she really do information technology? Could she really do it? And what nearly Erica? Would she let Mom put a diaper on me? Oh, God, why am I even thinking virtually this?! "Some fourth dimension today!" her mom's voice thundered through the house. Stuff it up your ass, you lot old bowwow. Comforting words just she would never say them. Her mother was not an easily forgiving woman and such backtalk would not go over well. She grumbled nether her breath, grabbed her purse, and headed back out to her waiting female parent, cramming the pull-ups as far downwards every bit she could. It was bad enough that her mother was making her go out in public in ane, but at present she had to carry extras. Just in case. Kylie hated everything near this but there was niggling she could practice about it. Erica was gone without equally much every bit a goodbye. Kylie figured that the earful that she had gotten from Lori was more than plenty to convince her not to stick around. She probably had things to practise and Kylie couldn't await her to hang around forever. She wished that her older cousin could have at least stayed a footling bit longer. It was prissy having someone to abet for her for a modify. "Stand nonetheless and let me check you lot." "Say what?" Lori reached for Kylie'southward waistband only had her hands pushed away. "What do you call back you are doing?" "I'yard going to cheque and see if y'all are wet," Lori said matter of factly."

From the first volume of the Kylie Trilogy: "The regression of Kylie"


[Instead of a re-blog, an attempt of my own, allow me know what you think, and I'll mail service office ii if you like information technology enough! Greetings from@diaper-stories​]

Role 1.

"Why is the back of your skirt wet?" Her female parent asked as soon as Heather came home.

"I pied myself on the school double-decker, because of the route works the bus takes a different and longer route and with all the bumps, I couldn't concord it."

"Iew gross. Didn't you go to the toilet before y'all left schoolhouse?"

"No, at that place is no fourth dimension for that mom, the bus leaves four minutes after last class."

"Well, hurry upwardly and become shower. Dinner is most ready."

Heather ran upstairs, tossed her uniform into the wash basket, glad to be rid of the moisture piece, and quickly cleaned herself up.

Dinner was uneventful, and after doing the dishes and her homework, she went to bed.

Half way the dark Heather woke upwards past a noise outside her room, mumbling betwixt her parents. Information technology turned out that her younger sister Madeline had gotten sick and puked all over her bed. At moments similar these, Heather was glad she was not a parent, and gladly pretended to be sound asleep.

"MOOOM Heather shouted, Accept yous seen my uniform skirts?"

"I call up they are all in the laundry, one with jam stains, the other with spilled milk, and the last one you peed yesterday". Her mother summed up

"I'll wash them today, dear."

"Only what do I clothing to schoolhouse today then?"

"Merely become i of your sisters. You 2 got the same size anyway.:

Angry, Heather stomped over to her sis's room. She didn't similar to be reminded that she was as tiny as her vi years younger sister.

Ransacking her sister's wardrobe, she found another trouble.

"Mom Maddy merely has pinafores!"

"Wear one of those then."

"But they are for the lower grades."

"Well, it's either that or you tin put your pee stained skirt from yesterday back on." Her mom had a tone now that told Heather from experience that she should stop arguing or it be worse.

The damn dress fit her first-class as well, merely worsening her mood.

"If it wasn't for that grim face, I'd think you were Madeline." her female parent told her when Heather came downward the stairs for breakfast.

"Hey grin baby, it'due south not that bad." Her mother gave her a kiss before Heather put on a jacket hiding the peak of her outfit and ran for the jitney.

At schoolhouse Heather lingered in the hallway a flake before taking off her jacket. Some people laughed, but her friends were understanding after she told her skirts were in the laundry. She didn't mention that she peed herself the day before, she just blamed her mother for mismanaging.

Right before class, Heather darted off for a terminal-minute toilet break. But before she could accomplish the bathrooms. She was stopped by a stern Head Teacher 'Madeline Acorn where are y'all off to? Y'all are in the wrong hall, miss."

The caput teacher grabbed her past her upper arm and started dragging her off.

"I'm non.." Heather started.

"End arguing y'all are late for your grade.:

With that, the head teacher dropped her off in her sister's class.

"Ah hi Maddy, there you are, rapidly sit downwardly." Miss Claire welcomed her.

"But.." Heather started to protest

"Sit downwards Madeline."

The Head teacher nodded to the teacher and gave Heather a stern look earlier leaving the classroom.

This couldn't exist happening, Heather thought.

Everybody stand up please allow'due south sing our morning song.

"Madeline I run across you stole 1 of your sis's pantyhose instead of wearing tights. Again pretending to exist Heather, are nosotros? I'll write that down this time." Miss Claire said with a stern face.

"Only I am Heather!" Heather protested

"Cease that nonsense, you were already late, no need to disrupt class more."

Heather was going to kill her sis when she got home. That'due south for certain, damm witch with her games made her situation hopeless.

Halfway through the song, Heather got the unfriendly reminder of what she had planned to do before the Head teacher interrupted her. Her bladder was signalling information technology needed emptying sooner rather than later.

Afterward the song, Heather grabbed her alter and asked in her nicest vocalisation, "Miss Claire, tin can I become to the restroom, please?:

"No, you had plenty of fourth dimension before class, you tin go again with recess."


"Stop it Madeline!"

Recess was in two,5 hours.

Heather kept looking at the clock, but the infinitesimal paw passed stupid slowly.

She crossed her legs and hooked her feet behind her other ankle, clutching her thighs tight.

With i manus pushing down in her lap she tried to work on the assignment, trying non to think about her need to pee.

Handwriting exercises were damn boring if you had progressed that phase ages agone.

Heather managed to continue like that for an hour, when the pain became unbearable.

"Miss Claire?"

"The reply is no Madeline."

With the adjacent spike of hurting, Heather felt her panties go moisture and she clamped downward harder, stopping the loss of urine.

Just that only worked for a few minutes. Her bladder won the fight and emptied. Heather couldn't do anything but sit frozen as she peed herself. She felt the urine kreep upward in her panties earlier soaking the back of her pinafore and filling the whole seat of the chair and then starting to drip onto the classroom floor.

"MISS CLAIRE!" the girl adjacent to her shouted while pointing to Heather. "Maddy peed herself miss Claire!"

With that, the entire class looked and started laughing. Heather couldn't help merely weep in shame. She kept her caput downwards while tears fell on her desk-bound.

Miss Claire grabbed the phone on her desk-bound. "Nurse to 2.i.11 please I got a potty accident."

"Did you really take to practise that Madeline didn't you lot become plenty attention yet?:

Heather didn't even respond to that false statement.

And when the nurse came to the classroom she had to get up and walk in shame to the forepart of the class for everyone to see what happened. As the back of her pinafore was soaked and actually dripping.

Streaks were running down her pantyhose into her shoes.

She cried some more every bit the nurse got concord of her manus and guided her to her station.

In the nurses' station, Heather was ushered into a bathroom. And asked to clean herself up.

Gladly, she pulled the pinafore off. Possibly the nurse got a skirt for her and so she could go dorsum to her ain course.

To her horror, even the back of her blouse had gotten wet.

The pantyhose she had to peel off her legs as they kept sticking.

Later she was done cleaning, the nurse came in and handed her a make clean uniform blouse and a pinafore.

"Could I get a skirt, perhaps?"

"No Madeline, your grade doesn't vesture skirts."

"But there has been a mistake. I'm Heather."

"Don't become blaming this on your sister, Madeline."

Damn you Maddy, what kind of bullshit have you been doing in my name?!

Grudgingly Heather put on the clean blouse and pinafore. She noticed at that place were no underwear or tights in the parcel the nurse had provided.

With the pinafore brushing against her bare lesser, Heather got into the nurse'south function. And was asked to sit on the examination table.

The false leather felt cold against her legs.

"And then Madeline, according to my file, y'all take never been in my function before regarding potty accidents."

'Potty accidents' is a nice manner of putting it, Heather thought.

"I was non immune to go to the bathroom past Miss Claire, I couldn't concur it."

"Why didn't you go before course?"

"I was late."

"I don't believe Miss Claire wouldn't accept let y'all go if y'all had made clear the need.

But here in school we have a policy that all who pee themselves get to wear these the rest of the day."

The nurse held out a diaper to Heather?

"WHAT? I'm non going to wear a diaper! I'm not a baby."

"It's not a diaper, it's a pull-upward , and they are not for babies, they are for children who take accidents." Countered

"I did not accept.."

"An accident? The faeries fabricated your butt wet? Put information technology on Madeline."

Heather saw no possible way to argue herself out of it, and reluctantly she stepped in the pull-up and slid it over her legs. The bulk betwixt her legs felt odd. And the crinkles were loud in her ears.

The tights the nurse handed Heather there later on lucky hid a great bargain of the pull-up. Merely when Heather looked in the mirror, she saw a fiddling child, not the girl she was earlier.

Later the nurse brought her dorsum to miss Claire'south grade, Heather sat in silence and followed the lessons.

In recess the other kids let loose tho, and bullied her relentlessly.

Miss pee pants was what they called her the residuum of the 24-hour interval.

But Heather had a plan, as everybody thought she was Madeline. If she came back to school tomorrow as Heather, she would exist out of the blame.

And her sister would become some of her own medicine dorsum for always pretending to be her.

In the bathroom during lunch break, Heather considered ditching the pull-up. But she considered the possible punishment non worth information technology.

End of the day, Heather picked up her own uniform at the nurse's  all clean and dried.

"Are you still dry out? No more than accidents today?" The nurse asked in a childish voice.

Heather blushed a bit when she was asked this, but then confirmed she was however dry. And then speedily stuffed her apparel in her bag and went for the bus.

The road construction piece of work was still ongoing, so the motorcoach took the long way round, trough back aisle roads total of potholes and uneven pavements

All the bumping brought back a familiar feeling in her tummy.

When was the last fourth dimension she went to the toilet?

Before lunch

Then she drank two cartons of milk

And a canteen of water at the tea pause.

Why didn't she go earlier stepping on the bus, Heather thought angry at herself.

She would make it to home though, she was determined information technology wasn't far.

Just so the bus stopped. From the other side a dump truck appeared and there was no space for both of them.

The commuter gestured to the truck to go back. And the trucker waved his arms about, signalling the same.

Heather sighed and pushed her crossed legs shut together.

Their bus driver really got off the bus and was at present in a heated statement with the trucker.

Seemed like the bus driver won the shouting match as the truck starting to support.

With shocks and bumps, the coach started moving once more.

And to Heather'south horror with every bump her bladder protested, and before they left the street she felt her panties, correction pull-upwardly, get wet.

Still trying to hold dorsum the bulk of it, Heather sat cramped in her seat, staring out the window. Declining to notice the oncoming speed crash-land which the driver took a bit too fast, lifting the kids out of their seats, to the joy of everybody else.

Except Heather, who lost her battle.

Scared, she touched the dorsum of her clothes.

Which was dry out.

Her whole butt was dry.

The pull-up had defenseless information technology all. She felt like sitting in a puddle with the wetness all up her bum and forepart.

The pressure of the swollen pull-up had pushed her legs apart a bit.

Heather sabbatum motionless, afraid someone might notice.

When she finally got off the bus, she waddled uncomfortably as the swollen wet and now common cold bulk pressed confronting her torso.

She was going straight for the showers, that's for sure, before her mom would observe anything.

Of course, her mom was waiting on her as before long every bit she walked through the door.

Heather took conscientious steps trying to exist as casual as possible.

"How was your day?"

"Fine mom" Heather responded with a whiny tone in her voice.

Heather was already on the offset steps of the stairs when her mom asked.

"Weren't you lot wearing pantyhose this morning?"

Heather froze on the stride.

"Uh yeah, information technology was cold at school so I changed." She quickly said and went for two other steps when her mom said:

"That'due south not what the Head teacher told me when he chosen."

Okay 28 notes within 24 hours. I'll go edit part 2.


Canadian Halloween Part 2: Little Ruby Leakyhood


Before leaving Canada's Wonderland Jacks mom had asked the two girls she was babysitting if they needed a diaper change as they would only be stopping at their houses long enough to grab their costumes and changing in the car. She too made it clear that they would not exist stopping for a diaper modify during trick or treating. While Rebeca said yes to the diaper change Emily had declined equally her diaper was only a footling wet and believed she would exist ok for the night.

However she had profoundly miss judged how much she had been drinking that night. After putting on their Halloween costumes, Emily as Little Ruddy Ridighood, and Rabeca as the wolf, the girls walked through the neighbourhood, meeting up with a few of their friends. Every bit they walked Emily's diaper began to slowly swell. After an hr of tricker treating the bulk began to become noticeable and information technology wasn't long before it was at capacity.

Emily institute herself squating down and begging to cry as her diaper began to leak and knowing she'd have to spend another hour and a half trick or treating in a leaking diaper.

Just another reminder that while they may look like young adults Canadian teens are still simply babies.


I meant to mail this earlier but I had a massive energy drain earlier today and forgot.

Art past Rocket Manatee.


Canadian Halloween Function 1; Haunted Tour


Emily laughed equally she and her friend Rebeca got off the Haunted Tour Ride at Canada'southward Wounderland.

"Ha. That wasn't so scary." Emily said as they waited for Jacks mom who was in the car behind them.

"Well I'm not so sure. That one part was really scary if y'all enquire me." Rebeca said still a lilliputian shaken up.

"What e'er. I merely wish Jack and his mom would hurry upwardly. She said she'd take us trick or treating after this and I tin't wait to get lots of candy." Emily said impatiently.

"Hey practise y'all think y'all could wait a picayune longer? I needed to go before we got on and had already wet a footling scrap before hand. So when that skeleton jump scare happened I kinda flooded my diaper." Rebeca explained.

"Really?" Emily said exhausted. "We're 19 years onetime. We'll be beginning potty preparation soon and you're yet a heavy wetter."

"I know but I just can't help it. You know that." Rebeca said lifting her dress to assess the damage.

Emily merely sighed equally she lifted her ain dress to see she was a trivial wet but could still agree off on a change.

"Alight. Hold my hand Jack. I don't desire you getting lost." Jack's mom said equally they exited the ride. "Now I know you've been doing really well with your early potty training but I want to take you lot over to the changing station to check and I brought extra diapers just in case, alright."

"Wait there's Jack's mom." Emily said looking back at the ride. "She'll change you and and so we can go."


A Halloween caption in the ABDL Canadaverse.

I know I said I'd but exercise i but final night an idea came to me on how to connect the two images. I'll mail service the second function later today.

Fine art past Rocket Manatee.


The Last Chance Reform Schoolhouse and Clinic For Troubled Boys: The Clark Family unit; 3 Years Later


Information technology has been three years since Mrs. Clark's son Marker was sent to The Last Risk Reform School and Clinic For Troubled Boys. During his get-go year in that location he was feminized and regressed into a teen sized baby daughter. Near the stop of his fist year at the schoolhouse Mark became Melody as his mother gave the go-a-head for the schoolhouse to preform SRS on him.

Unfortunately effectually the same fourth dimension Melody'southward parents had gotten divorced. Melody'south mother had been awarded custody of their new daughter and began reraising her. Over the three years since Melody was first sent to the reform school her mental state has been slowly returning to that of a girl her age and is currently that of a preteen though still needing diapers.

"And then how are things with you?" Sandra asked her bestfirend/sister-in-law over zoom.

"I'thousand doing fine. The school says that Melody is progressing nicely through her treatment. In fact she has a dance recital coming upwards adjacent month." Mrs. Clark replied.

"I'm guessing they'll be expecting us to attend?" Mr. Clark asked his ex wife.

"Well YOU don't accept to come up but yes. Melody specifically asked her teacher for three tickets so you and your sister can attend." Mrs. Clark said a picayune bellyaching.

"Moooooooooom!" Melody chosen walking into her mothers office in merely her T-shirt and diaper.

"What is information technology Melody? Can't you run across I'm busy?" Mrs. Clark asked as her daughter grabbed her arm.

"Oh Howdy Daddy! Hi Aunt Sandra!" Melody said looking at the computer screen.

"Hey Melody." Sandra said stifling a laugh as Mr. Clark only looked away.

"Mom we're going to be belatedly for my dance rehearsal!" Melody explained turning back to her mother.

"Information technology'due south not for another 40 minutes sweetie. We'll go in a few minutes." Mrs. Clark told her mentally regressed daughter.

"But mom, I demand a change earlier nosotros get." Melody said blushing a bit.

"Alright get become on your changing tabular array I'll be at that place in a infinitesimal." Mrs. Clark said before turning back to her computer. "Sorry guys I accept to become. I'll recall when I get back." She said before ending the call.


The story of the Clark Family returns! This time three years later.

Art past Rocket Manatee

[Instead of a re-blog, an effort of my own, let me know what you call back, and I'll mail part 2 if you similar it plenty! Greetings from@diaper-stories​]

Role 1.

"Why is the dorsum of your brim wet?" Her mother asked equally soon every bit Heather came home.

"I pied myself on the schoolhouse bus, considering of the road works the bus takes a dissimilar and longer road and with all the bumps, I couldn't hold it."

"Iew gross. Didn't you go to the toilet before you left school?"

"No, there is no time for that mom, the bus leaves four minutes after last form."

"Well, hurry upward and go shower. Dinner is well-nigh prepare."

Heather ran upstairs, tossed her compatible into the wash handbasket, glad to exist rid of the wet piece, and quickly cleaned herself upward.

Dinner was uneventful, and subsequently doing the dishes and her homework, she went to bed.

Half way the night Heather woke up by a noise outside her room, mumbling betwixt her parents. It turned out that her younger sister Madeline had gotten ill and puked all over her bed. At moments like these, Heather was glad she was not a parent, and gladly pretended to exist audio comatose.

"MOOOM Heather shouted, Have you lot seen my uniform skirts?"

"I remember they are all in the laundry, 1 with jam stains, the other with spilled milk, and the final one you peed yesterday". Her mother summed upwards

"I'll wash them today, love."

"Merely what practice I wear to school today then?"

"Just become one of your sisters. You two got the aforementioned size anyway.:

Angry, Heather stomped over to her sister'due south room. She didn't like to exist reminded that she was as tiny as her six years younger sister.

Ransacking her sister's wardrobe, she found some other problem.

"Mom Maddy only has pinafores!"

"Article of clothing one of those and so."

"Merely they are for the lower grades."

"Well, it's either that or you tin put your pee stained skirt from yesterday back on." Her mom had a tone now that told Heather from feel that she should terminate arguing or it be worse.

The damn apparel fit her excellent too, simply worsening her mood.

"If it wasn't for that grim face, I'd think you were Madeline." her female parent told her when Heather came down the stairs for breakfast.

"Hey smile babe, it'due south not that bad." Her mother gave her a buss before Heather put on a jacket hiding the summit of her outfit and ran for the bus.

At schoolhouse Heather lingered in the hallway a scrap before taking off her jacket. Some people laughed, merely her friends were agreement afterwards she told her skirts were in the laundry. She didn't mention that she peed herself the twenty-four hour period before, she just blamed her female parent for mismanaging.

Correct earlier class, Heather darted off for a last-minute toilet break. Only earlier she could reach the bathrooms. She was stopped by a stern Head Instructor 'Madeline Acorn where are you off to? You are in the incorrect hall, miss."

The head teacher grabbed her past her upper arm and started dragging her off.

"I'm not.." Heather started.

"Stop arguing you lot are late for your grade.:

With that, the head teacher dropped her off in her sister's grade.

"Ah hi Maddy, there you are, apace sit downwards." Miss Claire welcomed her.

"But.." Heather started to protest

"Sit downward Madeline."

The Caput teacher nodded to the teacher and gave Heather a stern look earlier leaving the classroom.

This couldn't be happening, Heather thought.

Everybody stand please let's sing our forenoon song.

"Madeline I see y'all stole one of your sister's pantyhose instead of wearing tights. Again pretending to be Heather, are nosotros? I'll write that downward this time." Miss Claire said with a stern face up.

"Just I am Heather!" Heather protested

"Stop that nonsense, you were already late, no need to disrupt class more."

Heather was going to kill her sister when she got domicile. That's for sure, damm witch with her games made her state of affairs hopeless.

Halfway through the song, Heather got the unfriendly reminder of what she had planned to exercise before the Head instructor interrupted her. Her bladder was signalling it needed emptying sooner rather than later.

After the song, Heather grabbed her change and asked in her nicest vocalisation, "Miss Claire, tin I go to the restroom, please?:

"No, you had plenty of time before course, you can go again with recess."


"Stop it Madeline!"

Recess was in 2,5 hours.

Heather kept looking at the clock, but the minute mitt passed stupid slowly.

She crossed her legs and hooked her feet behind her other ankle, clutching her thighs tight.

With i hand pushing down in her lap she tried to work on the assignment, trying non to recall most her need to pee.

Handwriting exercises were damn irksome if yous had progressed that stage ages ago.

Heather managed to continue similar that for an hr, when the pain became unbearable.

"Miss Claire?"

"The answer is no Madeline."

With the side by side fasten of pain, Heather felt her panties get wet and she clamped down harder, stopping the loss of urine.

But that only worked for a few minutes. Her bladder won the fight and emptied. Heather couldn't practise anything merely sit frozen equally she peed herself. She felt the urine kreep up in her panties before soaking the back of her pinafore and filling the whole seat of the chair and then starting to drip onto the classroom floor.

"MISS CLAIRE!" the girl side by side to her shouted while pointing to Heather. "Maddy peed herself miss Claire!"

With that, the entire form looked and started laughing. Heather couldn't help only cry in shame. She kept her head down while tears fell on her desk-bound.

Miss Claire grabbed the phone on her desk. "Nurse to 2.1.xi please I got a potty accident."

"Did you really take to do that Madeline didn't you get enough attending yet?:

Heather didn't even respond to that false argument.

And when the nurse came to the classroom she had to get up and walk in shame to the front end of the class for anybody to see what happened. As the dorsum of her pinafore was soaked and actually dripping.

Streaks were running down her pantyhose into her shoes.

She cried some more every bit the nurse got concord of her manus and guided her to her station.

In the nurses' station, Heather was ushered into a bath. And asked to make clean herself upwardly.

Gladly, she pulled the pinafore off. Perchance the nurse got a skirt for her and so she could go back to her own class.

To her horror, fifty-fifty the back of her blouse had gotten wet.

The pantyhose she had to pare off her legs as they kept sticking.

Later she was done cleaning, the nurse came in and handed her a clean uniform blouse and a pinafore.

"Could I get a skirt, possibly?"

"No Madeline, your form doesn't article of clothing skirts."

"But there has been a fault. I'm Heather."

"Don't go blaming this on your sister, Madeline."

Damn you Maddy, what kind of bullshit have you been doing in my proper noun?!

Grudgingly Heather put on the clean blouse and pinafore. She noticed there were no underwear or tights in the parcel the nurse had provided.

With the pinafore brushing against her bare bottom, Heather got into the nurse's part. And was asked to sit on the test table.

The fake leather felt cold against her legs.

"And so Madeline, according to my file, you have never been in my office before regarding potty accidents."

'Potty accidents' is a squeamish way of putting information technology, Heather thought.

"I was non immune to go to the bathroom by Miss Claire, I couldn't concur it."

"Why didn't you go before class?"

"I was tardily."

"I don't believe Miss Claire wouldn't have let you become if you had fabricated clear the need.

But here in school nosotros have a policy that all who pee themselves get to wear these the residue of the 24-hour interval."

The nurse held out a diaper to Heather?

"WHAT? I'm not going to vesture a diaper! I'm non a baby."

"It's not a diaper, information technology's a pull-up , and they are not for babies, they are for children who take accidents." Countered

"I did not take.."

"An blow? The faeries made your barrel wet? Put it on Madeline."

Heather saw no possible style to argue herself out of it, and reluctantly she stepped in the pull-up and slid it over her legs. The bulk between her legs felt odd. And the crinkles were loud in her ears.

The tights the nurse handed Heather at that place after lucky hid a groovy bargain of the pull-up. Just when Heather looked in the mirror, she saw a little kid, non the girl she was earlier.

Later on the nurse brought her dorsum to miss Claire's class, Heather sat in silence and followed the lessons.

In recess the other kids let loose tho, and bullied her relentlessly.

Miss pee pants was what they called her the rest of the mean solar day.

But Heather had a plan, as everybody thought she was Madeline. If she came dorsum to school tomorrow as Heather, she would be out of the blame.

And her sister would become some of her own medicine back for always pretending to exist her.

In the bath during lunch interruption, Heather considered ditching the pull-up. Simply she considered the possible punishment not worth information technology.

End of the day, Heather picked up her own uniform at the nurse's  all clean and dried.

"Are you nonetheless dry? No more accidents today?" The nurse asked in a kittenish voice.

Heather blushed a fleck when she was asked this, but so confirmed she was still dry. Then apace stuffed her clothes in her bag and went for the bus.

The route structure piece of work was yet ongoing, so the double-decker took the long fashion round, trough back alley roads full of potholes and uneven pavements

All the bumping brought back a familiar feeling in her stomach.

When was the terminal time she went to the toilet?

Before dejeuner

Then she drank two cartons of milk

And a bottle of water at the tea break.

Why didn't she go before stepping on the coach, Heather thought angry at herself.

She would make it to abode though, she was determined it wasn't far.

But and so the omnibus stopped. From the other side a dump truck appeared and there was no infinite for both of them.

The driver gestured to the truck to go back. And the trucker waved his arms about, signalling the same.

Heather sighed and pushed her crossed legs close together.

Their bus commuter really got off the bus and was now in a heated statement with the trucker.

Seemed like the passenger vehicle commuter won the shouting lucifer as the truck starting to support.

With shocks and bumps, the bus started moving again.

And to Heather's horror with every bump her bladder protested, and earlier they left the street she felt her panties, correction pull-upwards, become wet.

Yet trying to hold back the majority of information technology, Heather sabbatum cramped in her seat, staring out the window. Failing to notice the oncoming speed crash-land which the commuter took a bit also fast, lifting the kids out of their seats, to the joy of everybody else.

Except Heather, who lost her battle.

Scared, she touched the back of her dress.

Which was dry.

Her whole butt was dry.

The pull-up had caught it all. She felt like sitting in a pool with the wetness all upward her bum and front.

The pressure of the swollen pull-up had pushed her legs apart a bit.

Heather sabbatum motionless, afraid someone might notice.

When she finally got off the charabanc, she waddled uncomfortably as the swollen wet and now cold majority pressed against her body.

She was going straight for the showers, that's for sure, before her mom would notice annihilation.

Of course, her mom was waiting on her as soon equally she walked through the door.

Heather took careful steps trying to exist every bit casual as possible.

"How was your day?"

"Fine mom" Heather responded with a whiny tone in her vocalism.

Heather was already on the first steps of the stairs when her mom asked.

"Weren't yous wearing pantyhose this morn?"

Heather froze on the step.

"Uh aye, it was common cold at school and then I inverse." She rapidly said and went for two other steps when her mom said:

"That's non what the Caput teacher told me when he called."

jmychamp asked:

Do you lot wear diapers. Does anyone know

jmychamp asked:

Do you lot write these dtories

In the mood to sit in mommy's lap while she slowly rubs the front of my wet diaper and whispers blushy, embarrassing, and humiliating things in my ear…

"Aww, sweetie, why is your diaper soaked? Did y'all accept a piffling blow? It's ok, infant, lilliputian boys have accidents sometimes. That's why mommy keeps you in thick, crinkly diapers."

"Are you lot even trying to use the potty? Or are you using your diapers on purpose? It doesn't seem to mommy that you're trying. I think y'all're pretending to have accidents considering you secretly like it when I forcefulness you into thick crinkly diapers."

"You lot like wearing diapers and being mommy's little babe, don't y'all? I retrieve you lot wish I would keep you in thick diapers forever. Isn't that what you want?"

"What's this I feel in your diaper, little one? Are you sure you don't like this, baby? Because it sure feels like someone is a naughty boy who'southward turned on past wearing thick wet diapers."

"If you want mommy to keep rubbing your diaper, you meliorate tell me how much yous like being mommy'due south little diaper-wearing baby. Go on, tell mommy how much you lot love being my picayune baby boy."

"Aww, you lot're so cute when you're all embarrassed and turned on. I think I'm gonna keep you in thick diapers forever, babe. You're gonna be my trivial baby male child forever. No more big boy clothes or underwear, just thick, thirsty, crinkly diapers. Mommy likes you only similar this."

I want my daddy to practise this to me! (only with daughter stuff and I don't know if I'm wet however I hope I'thou dry out)

Ooo, I like that, besides. 😍😍😍

"What do you mean, 'I don't know', sweetie? Are you lot that much of a baby you can't fifty-fifty tell whether your diaper is wet or not? Practice I have to start checking y'all for accidents, little 1? Is that what you want, baby?"

"Well, if you can't come and tell me when y'all accept an accident, I estimate we'll just have to terminate putting pants on you, make it easier to check and see whether you've had a trivial accident."

"It's not embarrassing at all, footling ane! Babies don't demand pants because everyone knows they wear diapers. And only babies are too little to know when they need their diapers changed. I guess that ways y'all must be a little baby, doesn't it?"

Definitely needing this today. Feeling SUPER little and subby and stuff today…

This just sounds better and better! 🤤

Would love to do this to my baby boy!!

My old mail! Haven't seen this around in quite a while! And then many notes!


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