In the Feed Why Does Violet Choose to Resist the Feed

Violet Durn is, along with Titus, one of the novel's two main characters. An unusually thoughtful young woman, she was homeschooled her entire life, and only got her feed implanted at the age of seven (which is unusually late in life). Largely for these reasons, Violet is depicted as being more imaginative, compassionate, and emotionally mature than Titus and his friends. However, Violet is also depicted as being desperate to fit in with the "normal" kids like Titus. In some ways, she despises these people, but she nevertheless wants to be accepted by them, and it's for this reason that Violet falls for Titus: he's a charming, spoiled, upper-class kid, but he's also unusually thoughtful and even poetic, qualities which Violet admires and nurtures in him. In the second half of the novel, Violet's health takes a turn for the worse when her feed begins malfunctioning, threatening to end her life altogether. As her health declines, Violet turns to Titus for help and emotional support, only to realize that Titus is reluctant or unable to give her the kind of care and love she desires. Throughout the book, Violet acts as the voice of reason in a sea of brainwashed consumers, pointing out when Titus and his friends are being obscenely rude, immature, or spoiled. One could even say that Violet is the character with the most in common with M.T. Anderson himself, since she knows that the consumerist culture is a plague, but she's also fascinated by this culture.

Violet Durn Quotes in Feed

The Feed quotes below are all either spoken by Violet Durn or refer to Violet Durn. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon


She rubbed my head, and she went, "You're the only one of them that uses metaphor."
She was staring at me, and I was staring at her, and I moved toward her, and we kissed.

Page Number: 63

Explanation and Analysis:

I feel like we're the only two of us who like remember the, like, the thing.

People want to forget.
You can't blame them.

Related Symbols: Feed

Page Number: 90

Explanation and Analysis:

What I've been doing over the feed for the last two days, is trying to create a customer profile that's so screwed, no one can market to it. I'm not going to let them catalog me. I'm going to become invisible.

Related Symbols: Feed

Page Number: 98

Explanation and Analysis:

"He was beaten to death at the club. We saw it. The police, remember? They beat him over the head."
She reached out and took my arm.
My father walked toward us across the pavement, waving. The plastic flags were flapping in the artificial wind while Muzak came out of heaven.

I bought the Dodge.

Page Number: 123

Explanation and Analysis:

She said she had a theory that everything was better if you delayed it. She had this whole thing about self-control, okay, and the importance of self-control. For example, she said, when she bought something, she wouldn't let herself order it for a long time. Then she would just go to the purchase site and show it to herself. Then she'd let herself get fed the sense-sim, you know, she'd let herself know how it would feel, or what it would smell like. Then she would go away and wouldn't look for a week.

Page Number: 143

Explanation and Analysis:

You know, I think death is shallower now. It used to be a hole you fell into and kept falling. Now it's just a blank.

Page Number: 145

Explanation and Analysis:

"This top is the Watts Riot top."
Violet said, "I can never keep any of the riots straight. Which one was the Watts riot?"
Calista and Loga stopped and looked at her. I could feel them flashing chat.
"Like, a riot," said Calista. "I don't know, Violet. Like, when people start breaking windows and beating each other up, and they have to call in the cops. A riot. You know. Riot?"

Page Number: 163

Explanation and Analysis:

So he's the genetic clone of Abraham Lincoln.
Abraham Lincoln.
That's what I said.
Tell me what he's doing now.
Eh . . . the limbo. With the coaxial cable.

Page Number: 186

Explanation and Analysis:

The only thing worse than the thought it may all come tumbling down is the thought that we may go on like this forever.

Page Number: 193

Explanation and Analysis:

Violet was screaming, "Look at us! You don't hate the feed! You are feed! You're feed! You're being eaten! You're raised for food! Look at what you've made yourselves!" She pointed at Quendy, and went, "She's a monster! A monster!"

Page Number: 202

Explanation and Analysis:

14. I want to get older.
15. I want to see the years pass.
16. Sometime, I want to wear a cardigan and have a golden retriever named … I don't know.

Related Symbols: Feed

Page Number: 231

Explanation and Analysis:

You are such a shithead. You don't know what happened to me this morning. And the news. Titus—this morning . . I can't believe in the middle of all this, you went and got malfunctioned. You are such an asshole and a shithead.

Related Symbols: Feed

Page Number: 242

Explanation and Analysis:

I went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. I filled a glass. I looked at the window over the sink.
I deleted everything she had sent me.

Related Symbols: Feed

Page Number: 254

Explanation and Analysis:

I didn't want to be called her hero.
I looked at her, and she was smiling like she was broken.
I reached down, and turned up the fan in the climate control.

Page Number: 263

Explanation and Analysis:

"It's about this meg normal guy, who doesn't think about anything until one wacky day, when he meets a dissident with a heart of gold." I said, "Set against the backdrop of America in its final days, it's the high-spirited story of their love together, it's laugh-out-loud funny, really heartwarming, and a visual feast." I picked up her hand and held it to my lips. I whispered to her fingers. "Together, the two crazy kids grow, have madcap escapades, and learn an important lesson about love. They learn to resist the feed. Rated PG-13. For language," I whispered, "and mild sexual situations."
I sat in her room, by her side, and she stared at the ceiling. I held her hand. On a screen, her heart was barely beating.
I could see my face, crying, in her blank eye.

Related Symbols: Feed

Page Number: 297-298

Explanation and Analysis:

Violet Durn Character Timeline in Feed

The timeline below shows where the character Violet Durn appears in Feed. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Then, suddenly, Titus sees "the most beautiful girl, like, ever." She's watching Titus and his friends, and Titus can't put into words why... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Titus follows the mysterious girl. He notices that her shoulders are hunched, as if she doesn't want people looking at... (full context)

...Link finds Titus and tells him, "This so big sucks." Titus is worried that the girl will hear them talking and think they're "dumb." Quendy, Loga, and Calista go to the... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Quendy comes out of the bathroom and complains that her lesion is "spreading." Link says that her lesion isn't noticeable, and he asks the girl... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

The girl, Titus notes, is "completely youch" to him and the other guys. She seems to be... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

The girl, Titus learns, has come to the moon without any friends, even though it's spring break.... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Back at the hotel, the friends try to break into their minibar. Titus notices that Violet seems bored. The others complain that there's no alcohol, and Marty suggests that they all... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

At the Rumble Spot, there are lots of people wearing expensive shorts, which Titus's feed advertises to him. Titus "chats"... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Titus is in the hospital. He finds Violet nearby. Everyone else is asleep. Violet asks, "What should we do?" Titus has no idea. (full context)

That night, Titus runs into Violet in the hallway. He suggests that she sit down next to him, and he realizes,... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Violet explains that her parents are "busy with jobs," and might not be able to come... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

...the day ends up being one of the best of Titus's life. Everyone hits on Violet, but Violet only pays attention to Titus. (full context)

Violet and Titus sit together, talking about old music they liked as kids. Violet says, to... (full context)

Just then, Violet returns from talking to the doctor, and says that she has to talk to Titus.... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Still in the hospital, Violet and Titus talk about their families. Titus explains that he has a little brother, that... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Titus asks Violet why her father can't come visit her. Violet admits that he's not too busy, as... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

...chatting with his friends. He sees his family, but doesn't really talk to them. His father doesn't talk much, and his mother spends most of her time with Smell Factor, sometimes... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

One night, Titus goes to a party at his friend Quendy's while her parents are at a "choking party." Before the party, Titus reunites with Violet. He uses... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Violet asks Titus if he thinks things will be different. Titus isn't sure what she means,... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Violet, who looks nervous, says hello to Calista while Titus talks to Quendy. Quendy chats him... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

The party continues. Everybody watches a comedy called Snowblind, but Titus notices that Violet isn't laughing. While Titus walks to the bathroom, Link and Marty find him and tell... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Downstairs, Violet asks Titus if he'd like to walk around, and he agrees. Violet points out that... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Titus senses that he's protecting Violet from something, and this makes him feel good. They kiss, and Titus senses that he's... (full context)

One day, Violet chats Titus to explain that she's working on a new project. They agree to meet... (full context)

Resistance Theme Icon

Violet explains that information about everything she buys is gathered by corporations and used to build... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Violet and Titus walk around the mall, trying out different products—everything from searchlights to rugs. They... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

At dinner, Titus asks Violet why she never talks about her father. Violet explains that it costs a lot of... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

That night, Titus chats Violet. Even over chat, Titus can tell something is wrong. He asks if Violet is crying,... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Then, changing the subject, Violet shows Titus the ads she's received after her day at the mall. The ads sell... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Titus reports, "Being with Violet was great." Violet did not grow up with a feed because her father forbade it,... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

In School™, Titus thinks about Violet, who stays home and reads about how "there was less air and everything was getting... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

The next day, Titus flunks a test while Violet stays home and learns about interesting, complicated things Titus can't understand. At home, Titus's mom... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

On Saturday, Titus and his dad go to test-drive upcars, and Violet joins. While Titus test-drives, Dad looks out the window, chatting with someone else and wincing... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

...him what it would be like to own the car—going on a romantic drive with Violet, going to the beach with bikini-clad women, etc. He gravitates toward the car that is... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Violet asks Titus why his parents are buying him the car, and Titus says it's because... (full context)

That night, the family eats dinner with Violet. Dad is very proud that his son owns his own upcar. Violet suggests that she... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Titus asks his parents about the hacker, and Dad confirms that he's dead, adding, "There wasn't any reason for you to know." While Dad and Titus argue, Smell Factor sings... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Suddenly, Violet chats Titus that her foot isn't working. This has happened a few times since being... (full context)

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

The next day, Titus drives to Violet's house, noting the beautiful Clouds™ in the sky. Violet's neighborhood is hundreds of miles away,... (full context)

Violet introduces Titus to her father, who uses complex vocabulary that Titus can't understand. Titus notices... (full context)

In the car outside, Titus tells Violet that her dad is "something." Violet explains that her father thinks language is dying, and... (full context)

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Violet and Titus fly out to farm country, and during the flight, Violet talks about her... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Titus explains to Violet that his parents met through "some friend" and took a trip to Venus before there... (full context)

Violet and Titus decide to stop at a filet mignon farm. They see miles and miles... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Later, back in the upcar, Violet asks Titus how he'd want to die if he had the choice. Titus decides that... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Titus drops off Violet and then goes home. He sees his family members using their feeds to dream. His... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Suddenly, Violet chats Titus. She explains that somebody was "nosing around" in her feed, even though she... (full context)

The friends, including Violet, proceed to have conversations about Coke, over and over again. After a while, Link suggests... (full context)

Violet chats Titus and asks him to take her home—she can't stand Calista and Loga. Titus... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Class and Segregation Theme Icon

Titus drives Violet home, making a show of being "quietly angry." The two of them start to chat,... (full context)

Suddenly, Violet explains what's really been going on: her feed is malfunctioning. She's been going to technicians,... (full context)

Suddenly, Violet cries, "I want to feel something, then adds, "Let's feel vertigo." Titus agrees, and turns... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Back at his house, Titus leads Violet inside. Violet tells Titus, "I wish there was someplace we could go," and adds, "There's... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Suddenly, Mom and Smell Factor return home. Violet ends up staying for dinner, from which Dad is absent. Mom chats Titus about how... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

On the drive back to Violet's home, Titus asks Violet, "Do they know how long?" and Violet says she doesn't know... (full context)

The Environment Theme Icon

Violet and Titus go to the seashore, which is "dead, but colorful." They have to wear... (full context)

...goes to School™ and notices that Calista has a "macrolesion." Link kisses Calista and tickles her lesion. Titus chats Violet about Calista's lesion and her relationship with Link. Violet admits that... (full context)

Violet chats Titus to tell him that she's reading about Mayan spells, because she wants to... (full context)

Resistance Theme Icon

The Environment Theme Icon

On Friday, Titus drives Violet to the party. On the ride, Violet talks about what she has been reading about... (full context)

...but they broadcast music into their feeds. Quendy's entire body is covered in lesions, which Violet finds horrifying. Violet chats Titus that "the only thing worse than the thought it may... (full context)

Titus takes Violet to the attic of the house and explains that he and his friends used to... (full context)

Violet and Titus come down from the attic, passing people making out and other people "in... (full context)

Marty spins the bottle, and it points to Violet. Before they kiss, however, Violet bursts out, "Stop it! People are starving. We're playing games,... (full context)

...sits in the hospital waiting room. He tries to ask a nurse for information about Violet, but she just tells him to rest his eyes. He listens to feed ads for... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Violet's father arrives at the hospital shortly after Titus gets there. After speaking to a doctor,... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Titus thinks about what Violet said just before she collapsed. He wishes Violet could be "uninsane" again. Just then, the... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Afterwards, Titus is allowed in to see Violet. She begins apologizing to him. Titus replies that he's worried about her. Violet is weeping,... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

...strange dream in which he counts beads of water on a string, only to have Violet ask him, "How many do you need before you're done?" (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

The next day, Titus visits Violet in her home, to which she's been moved from the hospital. He sits by her... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Violet tells Titus that she wants to do many things with what's left of her life.... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Titus watches as Violet and her father try to petition FeedTech for free repairs, since Violet's father can't pay... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

The next day, Titus talks with Quendy, and tells her that Violet is sorry. Quendy says she understands. Titus explains what's happening to Violet, and... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

The next morning, Titus wakes up to find a message from Violet. In it, she explains that her mother never had a feed because she didn't want... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Violet reports that her body isn't working properly. She can't move her legs, sometimes for hours... (full context)

Titus listens to Violet's message while driving to School™. He's surprised to realize that he can still smell the... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Violet makes a list of everything she wants to do in life. She wants to see... (full context)

Titus is unable to concentrate at School™ where there have been funding cuts lately (no more school band, and only living teachers). He... (full context)

Violet chats Titus again, saying, "I wish I was with you" and "Did you get my... (full context)

After School™, Link asks Titus how Violet is doing, and Titus says he hasn't talked to her in a few days. Violet... (full context)

The three friends go to the mall, and Titus shows Marty and Link the list Violet sent him. Marty asks Titus why he's not responding to Violet, but Titus insists that... (full context)

...strange banging sound, and begins laughing again, thinking, "It was good to be with friends." Violet chats him, and he replies, "Shut the fuck up," but luckily he says it out... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Violet asks Titus if he's out of school, and this time Titus chats back that he... (full context)

Titus announces that he's going to drive to Violet, using the autopilot function. He finds his upcar and drives to Violet's house. As he... (full context)

Titus arrives at Violet's house, and she's waiting outside. She tells him not to come in, since her father... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

While Titus sleeps on the lawn, Violet forwards him a message from FeedTech. While he's still sleeping, Titus opens the message. He... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

...up, he has a headache. He finds that he's still on the lawn, next to Violet. Violet's father stares out the window, clearly unhappy that his daughter is spending so much... (full context)

Titus tells Violet he had no idea she got a refusal from FeedTech that day. Violet replies by... (full context)

Titus walks to his upcar. As he climbs in, Violet waves to him. But the next day, her arms stop working, and she's given a... (full context)

Late at night, Titus gets a message from Violet. Violet has been listening to requiems and burial rites from around the world. She's terrified... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

One afternoon, Violet shows up at Titus's house. She walks into his room and asks him if he... (full context)

Violet and Titus drive away in Titus's upcar. During the ride, Titus asks if Violet has... (full context)

Corporations and Consumerism Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Violet says that her feed has been recommending new requiem masses for her. To Violet's chagrin,... (full context)

Resistance Theme Icon

The Environment Theme Icon

Violet and Titus drive to some mountains, where they've made a hotel reservation. The hotel is... (full context)

Resistance Theme Icon

Back in their hotel, Violet tells Titus that she wants to experience everything before her death. She's done some things... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Titus tries to enjoy his time with Violet, but finds that he can't even smile. Violet asks what the problem is. Titus hesitates... (full context)

Furious, Violet asks Titus if he has any idea what's happening in Central America. She explains that... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

Titus drives Violet home. He notices that she looks ugly when she cries, and decides, "it wasn't working... (full context)

Later on, Titus realizes that the last words he ever hears Violet speak with her own mouth are "Oh, shit." (full context)

The next day, Violet chats Titus to say that she loves him. She knows Titus is different from everyone... (full context)

...street due to something called Nostalgia Feedback, in which people become nostalgic to the point where they're nostalgic for the moment they're living in right now. At night, Titus thinks of... (full context)

Titus drives out to Violet's house. In the upcar, he listens to news about riots in California and mysterious explosions... (full context)

Apathy, Happiness, and Satisfaction Theme Icon

Resistance Theme Icon

When Titus sees Violet in her room, he notices that she's very pale. Her head is shaved and covered... (full context)

Violet's father explains that Violet can barely speak anymore. He recalls how, years ago, he decided... (full context)

Titus can only say, "I'm sorry," but Violet's father replies, "Sorrow comes so cheap." He accuses Titus of taking Violet to the club... (full context)

Two days later, Titus goes to visit Violet. He has an hour before he's supposed to meet Quendy. He tells Violet that he's... (full context)

Titus tells Violet, "You're still there, as long as I can remember you." He begins to weep. He... (full context)


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